Erik Ande
Kristina Kerstner
It's Ryxn
Dean Harvey
Raphael Erba
Chapter 1 "Ascent"
Story/Animation by Erik Ande
Music by Layte Bloom
Erik is a Swedish 3D artist with a passion for the Cinematic world. His 3D animations sucks the viewer directly into the drama.
Chapter 1 - Indication of Red: Dissolution
by Kristina Kerstner (AKA The_Mess)
Kristina's work is visual poetry about the world falling apart.
Indication of Red: dissolution
Crimson waves in burning fire
The fields of red and scarlet flowers
The color of a sunset and life's destruction
A shade of passion that we can't avoid,
As the world around falls into dust
The red blooms dance in the breeze
Chaos rules the day, while we go away..
Chapter 1 - Coastal Lone Time (6 Unique Animated Scenes)
by Ryxnole
Description: She had always dreamed of this moment: driving along the coast, feeling the breeze on her skin, listening to her favorite songs. She didn't care about the destination, only the journey. She felt free and alive, like nothing could stop her. She smiled as she saw the sun reflecting on the sea and the mountains towering over her. She was alone, but not lonely. She was happy.
Story/Animation by Ryxnole
Sound FX - Splice & Pixabay
Chapter 1 - Grandpa's Cabin (6 Unique Pixelated Animations)
by Dean Harvey
Description: A cosy cabin tucked away in a peaceful forest where the sound of relaxation is deafening. There's nothing quite like Grandpa's cabin.
Dean Harvey is a pixel artist that creates scenes and stories that invite the audience into a world of nostalgia.
Chapter 1 - Nuit Blanche (1/6)
"Moon Fall"
by Raphael Erba
Raphael is an Animator/Motion Graphics Designer from Lyon, France.
"Father of a little girl who inspires me every day...
Passion with poetry, origami, tales, ninja stuff and animated loops."
Chapter 1 - Alone (1/6)
by sigmax
“Days when we fight alone Days when we live alone Days when everything is untouched Moving yet still Presences yet loneliness Days when your physical form is there Yet unconnected to the world.” _sigmax